Testimonial & links


  • Problem – Fear of Flying

    Hi Imran, I just wanted to say thanks so much for your help with my fear of flying it’s really helped with being able to travel with work and has also helped me manage a few other things in my personal life. Looking back to before we had the session I wish I had done it sooner, since the session I feel like I’ve been able to manage my fears around getting on planes flying getting on the tube and managing any anxieties I had a lot better. As we discussed before the sessions, I had my old the fear of flying for years now and when Fixers went abroad I decided I really need to get it sorted. In the past I had tried just facing it head on by going on flights, reading books on fighting your fear and even an airline fear of flying course. None of them did anything but make my issues worse! So with my filming commitments in place I thought I should book a holiday before as a little test before the main event. All I can say the session with you was great, even after the first session I could feel a difference straightaway. Although some of the stuff we went through in the session was personal it was really easy to share with you and helped me tremendously. The flights I’ve done since the sessions have been easy. I’d happily say to anyone if you’ve got, a goal u can’t achieve, anxiety, stopping smoking, panic attacks even down to emotional management contact these guys at Ilum. I didn’t think it would work but it did and it’s changed so much for me, it’s easy, calming, and Imran made me feel so at ease within minutes and it could bring change to your life or even give you your life back in extreme cases. Thank you so much

    Sketch Reppin Ink
  • Problem – Irrational Fear, Panic and Anxiety Attacks, Loss of Confidence.

    “As you know for many years I suffered with daily Panic and Anxiety attacks, this lead to social isolation, difficulties performing at work and loss of confidence, even sitting down to family meals had became a problem and it felt as though my life at 30 was already over. I tried at some expense, private counselling, public counselling, group work sessions, cognitive behaviour therapy, private psychiatry assistance and many avoidance and breathing technique methods. Over many years nothing helped and it wasn’t until my partner one day decided to book me in for a TFT session, the most I knew of this method, was Paul McKenners’ I can make you thin, and that didn’t fill me with much confidence that this treatment could help with reducing the daily onslaught of irrational panic attacks I was suffering. At first I didn’t think much of the session, you (the Ilum practitioner) were nice, seemed understanding and the processes\techniques weren’t difficult to carry out; if not a little odd but it all seemed too surreal to have worked. My partner said he noticed a change immediately but I couldn’t tell, it wasn’t until we reached home that I realised I did feel different and there had been a change, everything was just easier and I felt lighter. I still didn’t really believe it until a whole week later when, despite me having the fear I would have another panic attack, I realised I hadn’t had a single issue since the session! And I realised it didn’t take me long to get into a new routine, trying out different foods, going to the cinema without fear of panicking and having to leave and go home. It’s now been 8 months since my last panic attack, my social life is full, my performance at work has noticeably improved and my confidence is growing every day. This is a treatment that I wish I had several years ago, I feel as if my life has started again and I can do things now that I would ever dream I’d be doing….. I would (and already have) highly recommend Ilum Therapies to anyone who has panic attacks or phobias that strip them of their confidence and stop them living their lives. It’ll change their lives!”

    Ms M Turner Accountant – SE London


  • Problem – Unable to control weight, unmotivated to exercise

    “I just wanted to give you an update on my progress (feel free to use this on your site). Since our session which was nearly 2 months ago my eating habits have changed so dramatically it’s amazing! I’m also going to the gym now 3 days a week without fail! I’ve already started to noticeably tone up and I’ve managed to drop nearly 1 stone in weight but it all seems easier. Also, I’m eating in a more relaxed way, I’m even eating a greater variety of foods, I’m not stressing over everything I eat, if I’m hungry I eat, when I’m not I just stop. It’s just that simple now! Thank you so much, I know I’ve still got a long journey to get back into the shape I want but I feel so good already and I can see that I’m moving in the right direction.”

    Mr A Hammond Business owner – Croydon


  • Problem – Obsessive Compulsive Disorder & Hording

    “It was the DWP service ATW that referred me to you and services at Ilum. The session itself was different to anything I had experienced; having had OCD for over 11 years I was at a point where I would try anything, CBT and group work were the main options previously give to me and I attended both for coming up to 8 years. However in my first session with Ilum, you not only cured me of my OCD, but as you are CBT trained, you also redefined the previous CBT sessions I have had into real contexts that made them relevant to my personal and work life, everything just clicked into place. I did however want a further session to help me delve a little deeper as once the OCD was gone, I realised how much I had been hording things too. My house was stacked to the ceiling with things I was hording but I honestly never “noticed” it. I’m happy to say that thanks to you, my 11 year old issues are TOTALLY non-existent. It’s changed everything for me, my employer was impressed with the difference to my work life that I’ve been given a promotion in that I’m now able to lead a research project myself! In the first time for many years my hoarding habit had stopped and it took one weekend to clear out the years of bits and bobs, I kept a memory (shoe) box of special items, but it was great seeing the floor again. Honestly, the whole experience changed my life; I now have control and have so much more time every day to do things because I’m not wasting it on completing routines – I can’t really express the changes I’ve experienced in writing, but where I used to hide away and be worried, I now put myself front and centre and always have a huge smile on my face.”

    Mr C Beale Market Researcher – Central London
  • Problem – Relationship Issues

    “I visited Imran from Ilum Therapies at a time in my life when I was experiencing an addiction to a person that was affecting aspects of my day to day life, and an interest in someone which was not reciprocated. I found Imran to be excellent. His approach was participative, and he went to enormous efforts to explain everything. He used a variety of approaches, including hypnotherapy, which enabled me to reflect on aspects that I wanted to change in relation to how I felt and interacted with this individual. Throughout the therapy Imran put me at ease and, as a result, I was able to relax and get the most from the session. The exercises and techniques to follow at home, after the session, were very clearly described, modelled by Imran, and followed-up. As a result of Imran’s work, I was successfully able to deal with the situation and move on: an enormous achievement from where I was just before I visited Ilum Therapies for the first time. I can’t recommend Imran and Ilum Therapies enough”.

    Mr David S. London


  • Problem – Business coaching and goal setting

    "I really enjoyed and got a lot out of the session with Imran. We worked on getting me to clearly identify all the aspects of my business. He helped me to understand the different offerings and who would benefit the most from them. We drilled down in to the details and I really understood what my business needed and how to sell it to potential clients. Also to enable me to stick to my goals, Imran helped me to uncover and create a new identity for myself in this role. The session as a whole has really giving me a breath of fresh air and a new way to view myself in the future, thanks to the goal setting and visualization work we did. A real added benefit and something I wasn’t expecting was Imran helped me cleared away a very big limiting belief that had been holding me back for a long time but one that I never fully realised I had. Once all this was done Imran helped me to look at all the things that came up put them in to a time line and created a plan of action for me to go forward with. I’m now really excited about what my future holds, I have a clear road map of the steps in front of me and what I need to do personally to achieve my goals. Over all I found the session very insightful, helpful and enjoyable. It’s something I would highly recommend to others. Thank you, Imran"

    Kirk Thompson Professional DJ (DJ Krust)\ Mentor – London
  • Problem – Life and relationship coaching

    "Thank you for my recent sessions at Ilum Therapies. Before my first session I didn’t really know what to expect. I was surprised by how relaxed the session was and how easy it was to think about and work through the techniques. Simple but affective ways to clear away unwanted “rubbish” that had been on my mind for years. I look forward to a clearer and calmer approach to the challenges life throws at us all. Thank you again."

    Steve P. Service Engineer – East London
  • Problem – Business Coaching

    "Imran's style of coaching has really worked for me, one session got me moving forward more than I have in ages. He is a great listener and has challenged me to find a way when I cannot see one, I am back on track to achieving my goals. Imran's laid back manner means you cannot help but open up to and warm to him. I would recommend Imran for coaching, having experienced the results myself and also witnessed the transformation in others."

    P Linane Trainer & Personal Development Coach